Job Description:


As my new dream boss, you will be tasked with teaching me everything you know about marketing, not being a jerk and always having my back. That’s really it. It’s simple. What is most important to me are your qualifications and the company description below.


  1. Must have a good sense of humor. We spend too much of our life with our colleagues to not laugh at work once in a while.

  2. Preferably located in Houston, Texas or be open to a remote employee. However, there’s some flexibility here for the right opportunity.

  3. Capable of trusting others.

  4. You should be a smarty pants in the field of marketing so that I can learn from you. 🤓

  5. Practice servant leadership. I mean it. Please don’t just talk the talk.

  6. On the topic of talking…you don’t have a need to be the loudest person in the room and you don’t place value on the loudest person in the room. Sometimes the quiet ones have good ideas, too.

  7. If you are willing to listen. So in this role, you must be a good listener.

  8. Have a desire to make the world a better place. (Corny, I know! 🤷) This can be as simple as opening the office door for a colleague or picking up trash in the parking lot.

  9. Be humble. You can admit that you don’t know everything there is to know. I’ll admit that I don’t!

  10. Foster an environment where mistakes and failures are viewed as the learning opportunities that they are. If they aren’t happening, we aren’t being creative or trying hard enough.

About the Company:

  • There are women in leadership roles within your company.

  • The industry is irrelevant to me. B2B, B2C…It doesn’t need to be sexy. Sometimes the best business to be in is the most “boring!”

  • Culture: No ping pong tables or beer fridge required. I am simply looking for a friendly, supportive, forward-thinking environment to grow and work in. Bonus points if there’s a social mission you are working toward.

  • Focused on output rather than input. Meaning, your employees aren’t rewarded for “putting in the most hours.” Your employees are rewarded for results.

  • Not a family business. I’m not saying there aren’t good ones out there. But in my experience, it just hasn’t worked out well for me.

  • Startups are okay. But you must be funded and have been in business for 5+ years.

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