Week 1: An Update

When I launched this site a little over a week ago, I was SCARED TO DEATH. This is legit, an email from that Friday to a friend…


“What if this ruins any prospect of landing a job I’m currently interviewing for?”

“What if my friends and family 🙄.”

“What if people are completely turned off by the audacity of me asking for exactly what I want?”

“What if…”

Fast forward to today. In just a little over a week...I’ve had 3 phone interviews. I’ve received 9 official, genuine “applications” to be my boss. And I have 3 coffees/lunches set up for this week with potential new bosses. Oh, and I celebrated Christmas and went to Dallas and back to visit family. 😱 Yep, I launched this campaign when most people weren’t working. 

Uhm. What? 

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I honestly have no clue if any of this is going to work out. If it does? AMAZING. If not? It has been a great exercise in understanding what exactly I want out of my work life and not being afraid to ask for it.    

I realize this has been short, but I have been wanting to post an update for a few days now. Things have been moving fast but I’ll keep you posted with any other updates as soon as I can. And to all of my friends (new and old!) who have helped spread the word…

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“What did you fail at this week?” And an update.